How can we ensure human development without involving children, without helping them to grow as beings of freedom and creativity, as beings open to all possibilities? How can we ensure that this training has an impact, in its own way, on the destiny of all humanity? Throughout her life, the great pedagogue Maria Montessori (1870-1952) sought to answer this question through her writings and the creation of new schools. In this book, she places particular emphasis on two strong convictions. Firstly, she saw education as the only way to build peace between men. Secondly, she explains how the child comes into the world in possession of inner directives that will enable adults to make this education effective. It is from this richness, already present and to be cultivated, that the child can see his or her own personality develop. Written in India and published in 1949, this text is Maria Montessori 's spiritual testament, and the key to her entire work.